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Try out eSports for free!
Now that you've registered as a member you have 200 credits you can use to try out eSports services for free. Read the getting started guide and then go to Play Now and try out your first challenges. Once you feel comfortable with using the system you could sign up for our first event Frag fest 5th Anniversary and compete for nice prizes!

An offer to all eSports members!
When you buy your first 1000 credits (100 SEK) we will give you free entrance to Frag Fest 5th Anniversary (value 99 SEK)!

This is how you compete in Frag Fest 5th Anniversary

1. Buy 1000 credits through the eSports shop. You can do that here »

2. Sign up to Frag Fest 5th Anniversary. Do that here (note: swedish) »

3. Once you are signed up for Frag Fest 5 you can begin challenging other players on eSports and start climbing the ranking list. January the 27th a selection from the general ranking list (this one) will be made, where those who signed up for Frag Fest 5 will qualify to the play-off. This play-off will then be divided into different divisions based on the participants placement in the general ranking list. More information on prizes and qualifications can be found here (swedish) »

4. Your current placement and other competitors results in Frag fest 5 can be found on the official Frag fest 5 page here »

Wednesday, January 9

All servers are now upgraded to 1.31 and uses our own eSports Arena MOD. The MOD is now on its second release and will downloaded automatically when you connect to one of our servers. More changes are to be made during the next week although its nearing a final release. Feel free to comment on eSports Arena through e-mail to [email protected].

Submitting bugs
If you get an error, if possible capture a screenshot and submit it to [email protected]. To discuss errors and bugs on IRC, go to irc.enterthegame.com #esports or #esports.se on irc.quakenet.org. Most of the eSports developers will be available in this channel with the tag |eSports - please avoid spamming!

Using the system
Take this guide to help you use the system and start beta testing. Try every step possible and remember to take note on anything that goes wrong or seem wrong. Remember we're also looking for feedback in regards to how user friendly the site is and how the features are working. Any ideas and suggestions for improvement are welcome. Get started here!

Looking for a talented Q3 MOD developer
We are currently looking to employ a fulltime C programmer with long Q3 MOD developing experience. If you are interested please contact [email protected] for more information on salary, benefits and requirements.